Thursday, October 31, 2019

Battle of Algeria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Battle of Algeria - Essay Example Instead, it brings out the working practices of institutional structures, the aesthetic strategies associated with that as well as related cultural politics. One good example of Third Cinema is The Battle of Algiers, which is a departure from the characteristic Hollywood style of drama. In its creation of a false sense of documentary, it makes use of simple tools. It has a background of the reporting styles of the 1960s. The production employs such tools as a flashback narrative structure, grainy black and white stock, handheld camera, zoom lens as well as long lenses. The film achieved both commercial success as well as an aesthetic success. Its success at the Venice Film Festival surprised many. It received a lot of praises especially in Europe and the United States. The climax of the success, it enjoyed globally was the eleven cinema awards it won between 1966 and 1967. During that time, it also got three Oscar nominations. The Battle of Algiers was a 1965 production of Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo with cooperation from the revolutionary government of Algeria. The film goes against conventional Hollywood procedures. Shooting in a studio with the use of popular professional actors was not a consideration. Instead, it uses a real life set up with only one actor. That led to its classification as a quasi-documentary. The choice of scenes for the film serves Pontecorvo’s objective. His aim is to give it a realistic touch. The film captures Casbah, a traditionally Muslim part of Algiers, as the scenes are in its marketplaces and narrow streets. Jean Martin, the only professional actor, plays the role of Colonel Mathieu. The fact that the producer was Italian may have led to the film’s similarities to Italian Neo-realism. Pontecorvo elects to use simple equipment so as to create a visual effect similar to that of a documentary. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay Firstly I would like to introduce myself as an undergraduate student of the bachelor of engineering program From the M.S.Ramaiah institute of technology, one of the most prestigious institutions of the Bangalore U university . I have completed my course of engineering in the field of Industrial Engineering’, which was for a period of four years. I graduated in the first class with distinction. I was ranked among the top five in the class. During these four years of my undergraduate course, I gained in-depth understanding of the various techniques involved in problem solving, mainly to cater to the services of the industries. Manufacturing Processes, Operations Research, Industrial Management, Quantitative techniques were the other subjects which enabled me to blend the required action whenever an problem was posed to me. Behavioral Science was the most interesting subject which I mastered during this four year peroid.This subject provided me with valuable information which helped me to develop leadership skills .The factor of empathy really coerced me to instigate leadership skills.. Since computers have become inseparable part of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING I deemed it fit to learn more about computers and I am presently doing my course in C,C++. I have worked on software packages like MS Project,LINDO, LOTUS 123.To meet my B.E. Degree requirement ,I executed a project titled REDUCTION OF LEAD CYCLE FOR MANUFACTURE OF STEAM TURBINES under the expert guidance of N.V.R.Naidu and this project was presented in the O.R. Society of India. The main aim of the project was to reduce the lead cycle of manufacture of a particular class of turbine so as to reduce the inventory costs and enable the industry to forecast accurately for the period ahead. The techniques involved LINE OF BALANCE METHOD for scheduling and Controlling and Post college, I AM presently working in KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC COMPANY WHERE IN I am going through a rigorous training program which will be completed very shortly. The undergraduate course as well as my training at KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC COMPANY has provided me with a strong base for further growth in any of my desired fields. I would like to delve deeper into the fields of my choice and their technical aspects completely. I hope to acquire the requisite professional skills and develop a thorough understanding in these following areas. I wish to contribute towards these areas and indulge in research which ultimately should have a meaningful contribution to science and technology. I AM confident that my academic capability and analytical skills coupled with my perseverance and single minded devotion will see me through to this goal. To this end, the first step is a sound graduate study. I have chosen the graduate program to further my interests. It is my belief that knowledge gained has to be shared. I believe that imparting knowledge is an enjoyable and satisfying experience. I have enjoyed giving ideas, lectures and making presentations on technical/non technical topics at college and at the workplace. Hence, I am eager to obtain An assistantship.Consequently,I understand that the choice of the University is of paramount importance. After perusing your brochures and consulting my professors, I reached the conclusion that the with its reputed faculty, excellent facilities and tradition of academic excellence will be the ideal place to work towards the fulfillment o my goal. Moreover, I am confident that the wholesome education that I will receive at the will stand me in good stead throughout my career. Thanking you,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reducing Corruption in the Nigerian Police Force

Reducing Corruption in the Nigerian Police Force Overview: This paper intends to examine the ramifications of corruption in the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), with respect to public safety and human rights, and provide four policy strategies that can be adopted by the Nigerian government to reduce police corruption. The paper will investigate police corruption within the purview of three theories: structural-functional theory, deviant behaviour theory and soft state theory. Drawing on these theories the paper will establish how their application to police corruption can help in understanding the tragedies of police corruption and reducing corruption in the NPF. In examining the ramifications of police corruption in Nigeria, the paper will explore concepts such as corruption of authority, kickbacks, opportunity theft, shakedowns, internal payoffs, padding, and the fix to show varying dimensions of police corruption. Background:   Ã‚   In recent years, the level of corruption in Nigeria, particularly in the NPF, has become alarming. Police corruption in Nigeria takes different forms, ranging from officers collecting money from the citizens at checkpoints, to officers extorting money from alleged law offenders at police stations, to officers tampering evidence to influence court cases, to officers using forceful and eccentric means to obtain information, to officers working as accomplices to electoral malpractices, illegal activities and human rights abuses, and to officers mismanaging funds allocated to the Police Force for personal aggrandizement. The most recent Global Corruption Barometer shows that 75% of Nigerians believe that the level of corruption has increased over the years and 72% perceive the NPF to be the most corrupt institution in the country (Pring 2015, 36 37). Also, 78% of Nigerians believe that the government has not handled the fight against corruption well (Ibid, 42); hence the anti-corruption performance of government is ranked poor. For over a decade, corruption in the NPF has come under increasing public scrutiny, as domestic and international civil society organizations involved in anti-corruption activism, have intensified efforts in uncovering corrupt practices in the NPF and demanding actions against police corruption. The activities of the anti-corruption activists have revealed series of public scandals involving senior officers of the NPF. Police corruption in Nigeria has raised serious concern about the standard of ethics and integrity in the NPF. Since 1994, there had been four Presidential Committees on Police Reform established by different political administrations to examine issues facing the NPF and make recommendations to the government. But the recommendations of these committees have never been implemented. Thus efforts to reform the NPF have faced difficulties across many fronts. Underfunding and arbitrary disbursement of allocations to the NPF are common challenges facing the NPF. Despite these committees, government has not been able to deal with police corruption, as government continues to embark on circuit of establishing more committees, with huge wage bills. This, therefore, is an indication of deep lack of political will to reform the NPF. Issue statement/Policy questions: The paper intends to establish that police corruption has become overwhelming and persistent such that it undermines good governance in Nigeria and causes systemic gangrene of the institutional fabrics of the NPF. As a result, the need for coherent strategies to reduce police corruption has become imperative. In light of this problem, the paper intends to answer the following policy questions: What is the fundamental problem with Nigerias efforts to reduce police corruption? Why have the previous strategies designed to fight police corruption failed? What are best methods to reduce police corruption in Nigeria? Methodology: The paper is a non-empirical investigation. Thus it intends to carry out a historical study of the NPF and factors responsible for police corruption in Nigeria. This task is relevant because it will provide insights into the various forms of police corruption in Nigeria and their impacts. Based on the non-empirical nature of the paper, its key considerations will be based on theoretical and empirical review of the relevant literature. Research will involve library research and materials will be sourced from wider sources, including academic journals, books, periodicals, reports, conference/seminar papers, newspapers articles, and other electronic sources. Motivation: The motivation for this paper is based on the authors concern about the tragedy of police corruption in his country. This concern springs from the authors personal experiences with the Nigerian police officers. The need to address the decay in the NPF, particularly from the Nigerian perspective, thus underlies this paper. Theoretical frameworks: Structural-functional theory: This theory posits that the social structure of a society has an impact on the way people conduct themselves. Thus how the network of social interactions is structured in society can explain the extent of police corruption. The guiding principle is that in a moral-guided society tolerance for police corruption is likely to be zero, thereby making it possible for social institutions to function with moral awareness. Deviant behaviour theory: This theory can be used to explain the organizational nature of police corruption. Police corruption can thus be explained from the perspective of group behaviour, which is guided by sets of societal norms that are linked to the organization to which the police officers belong to, as opposed to the behaviour of individual police officers. The guiding principle is that police corruption can be well-understood from the organizational context of the NPF where the corrupt behaviours occur. Soft state theory: This theory can be used to explain police corruption from the context that the extent to which the government is incapable of implementing reforms and instituting social disciplines speaks volumes about the level of corruption in the state. The guiding principle is that police corruption is rife in a state where the government lacks the ability to implement reforms; hence government institutions are disinclined to demand social disciplines from the people. Structure: Below is the brief synopsis of the paper. Introduction Background Issue statement Policy questions Motivation Key considerations: Theoretical framework and Empirical evidence Corruption and the Nigerian Police Force: Brief historical background of the NPF Overview of Concepts: Corruption and Police corruption Typologies of police corruption Nature of police corruption in Nigeria Factors responsible for police corruption in Nigeria Policy strategies to reduce corruption in the NPF: Assessment of previous anti-corruption strategies Proposed strategies to reduce police corruption Tipping point leadership style Alliance building with public sector institutions, private sector (including media and civil society), and broader political structure Amending legal frameworks (Constitution and Police Act) Introducing Anti-Corruption Code aka The Police Code in the Police Act Recommendations/Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing Spiritual Growth in Gardeners Grendel and Hesses Siddhartha

Spiritual Growth in Gardener's Grendel and Hesse's Siddhartha      Ã‚   A mythical beast who finds meaning in killing and a questioning wanderer who cannot find meaning in being: both John Gardener's Grendel and Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha grow and develop spiritually, yet their authors use vastly different styles to convey these changes.    John Gardner's revolutionary style is not encompassed by a single genre; instead, he mixes first-person narrative and several different literary styles to give the "Ruiner of Meadhalls" a unique voice. The use of first-person narrative is essential to convey Grendel's spiritual growth. Were it not for Grendel's often self-deprecatory tone, which varies from mocking - "big shaggy monster intense and earnest, bent like a priest at his prayers" (72) - to bitter and cynical - "I, Grendel, was the dark side. The terrible race that God cursed" (51) - Grendel would be impossible to relate to. Even Grendel's bouts of insanity - (whispering, whispering. Grendel has it occurred to you my dear that you are crazy?)" are easily understood.    Grendel varies from the simple, childish tone of "'Why can't I have someone to talk to? The Shaper has people to talk to'" (53) to the dense philosophical metaphors and complex diction of Grendel's conversation with the dragon. Gardener gives Grendel a purposefully guileless voice to illustrate both the monster's feelings of lost youth as well as his progression into a more sentient being.    "I think I was half prepared, in my dark, demented state, to see God, bearded and gray as geometry, scowling down at me, shaking his bloodless finger. (53)    The nihilistic dragon disagrees with Grendel's humanization, regarding men scornfully a... ...orld, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration, and respect.' (147)    Siddhartha progresses from an aloof and slightly arrogant youth, not unlike young Grendel, to a wise, satisfied man.    The central difference between John Gardener's Grendel and Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha, both stories of spiritual growth and development, is not thematic. Instead, vast differences in tone and language make the self-deprecating monster easy to empathize with and the soul-searching wanderer simple and detached. Despite their stylistic differences, both works stand alone as examples of philosophical and spiritual evolution.    Works Cited   Gardner, John. Grendel. 1971; rpt. New York: Vintage Books, 1989. Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. Dover Publications, 1998.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legal opinion

In the instant case, defendant Panah was convicted in the trial court of murder and he was sentenced to death. His case is now before us on appeal because of the rule on automatic appeal in case of verdicts of death penalty.In this case, an eight-year-old girl named Nicole Parker was visiting his father, Edward Parker in Woodland Hills. At 11:00 in the morning of the said date, Nicole asked her father for a softball and glove and went outside the apartment complex of his father to play. Forty-five minutes after, Edward looked for Nicole but she is nowhere to be found. Thus, Edward looked for his daughter within the apartment complex to no avail.Edward Parker’s failure to find Nicole prompted him to call the police. Defendant Panah, the resident of apartment #122, talked to Edward and found out that the latter was looking for his missing daughter. When the police arrived, the defendant insisted that Edward come with him to Ventura Boulevard to look for Nicole, but Edward refuse d.Thereafter, one of the police was informed that Nicole was last seen talking to a man in his 20s who was living in apartment #122. Thus, the said policeman asked for the key to the said room from the manager and searched the apartment complex for Nicole but did not find her. Hours later, the detectives were informed that the defendant attempted to commit suicide and told a friend that he did something really bad that is in connection with the missing child. This friend told the police, which new information prompted the latter to conduct another warrantless search of apartment #122, wherein they found Nicole’s dead body wrapped in a bed sheet and stuffed inside a suitcase.The defendant was charged with murder, and he raised issues as to the illegality of the warrantless searches in his pre-trial motions. However, the trial judge ruled that the warrantless searches were valid, and the defendant was convicted.In this appeal, the defendant again raises the same issues, arguing that the warrantless search conducted in his apartment unit was a violation of his rights under the Fourth Amendment, and that   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   there were no exigent circumstances warranting a warrantless search.Opinion:Under this jurisdiction, we uphold the right of citizens to be secure in their houses and effects. This security is embodied in the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution and is guaranteed by the rule that searches should be reasonable and supported by a warrant based on a finding of probable cause.The Fourth Amendment states:â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but on probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.'†Thus, it is clear that as a general rule, a search warrant must be secured by police officers b efore barging in another man’s home and searching it for effects. However, this general rule admits of certain exceptions.Precedent:The case of McDonald v. United States, decided in 1948 (355 U.S. 451, 93 L. Ed 15), explained that emergency situations that serve as compelling reasons may justify the absence of a search warrant.While this case decided in favor of the defendant and emphasized his right to be secure in his house and effects, it provides authority for the other position, that is, that given reasonable justification, the requirement of a search warrant may be dispensed with. However, care must be taken so that it is certain that exigent circumstances do exist to justify a warrantless search. After all, it is a fundamental right of all persons to be secure in their houses and effects, and trivial suspicions and the lack of adequate justification should not be an exception to Fourth Amendment rights.  In Kirk v. Louisiana (536 U.S. 635), promulgated in 2002, the S upreme Court again ruled that the police’s conduct of warrantless search was illegal, because they did not find exigent circumstances to justify the absence of a warrant. It should be noted that the court only struck down the validity of the search because there was no exigent circumstances to justify the warrantless search.  Nexus.These cases are authority to serve as the exact opposite of the case at bar. Here there is clearly an exigent and emergency situation. A child had gone missing, and the police did not know whether the girl was dead or alive. Time was of the essence, and the police had to make an immediate decision as to whether to conduct a search, if they were to save the life of the girl. Thus, in this situation, there is clearly an exigent circumstance justifying a warrantless search, because the life of a young girl is on the line. Moreover, probable cause exists, since even prior to the statement of the defendant’s friend regarding his confession, the police were able to gather information from other people that the victim was last seen talking to the defendant.Thus, since there was probable cause and exigent circumstances, this case clearly falls within the recognized exceptions to the Fourth Amendment, and the right of the defendant to be secure in his house and effects was not violated.Hence, the evidence derived from such warrantless search is admissible in evidence against him, and could form the basis of his conviction. The decision of the lower court is thus, affirmed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 5

ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET GOOD MORNING TO MY RESPECTED TEACHER AND MY FELLOW FRIENDS TODAY I M GONNA PRESENT A SPEECH ON ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET BEFORE COMING TO THE POINT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY SOME FACTS ABOUT INTERNET WHAT IS INTERNET? ACCORDING TO THE DEFINATION PROVIDED BY OXFORD DICTIONARY, THE INTERNET IS AN ARRANGEMENT OF CONNECTED COMPUTERS,WHICH LETS THE COMPUTER USERS ALL OVER THE GLOBE EXCHANGE DATA. AT THE PRESENT TIME, APPROXIMATELY 33% OF THE WORLD POPULATION HAS ACCESSIBILITY TO THE INTERNET. THE INTERNET IS AN EXTAORDINARY ENTERTAINMENT AND LEARNING TOOL THAT MAY BE UTILIZED IN A NUMBER OF MODES TO INCREASE THE ABILITY OF A USER TO COLLECT INFORMATION. THE PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS OF THE INTERNET ARE THE WORLD WIDE WEB(WWW) AND E-MAIL INTERNET WAS CREATED IN THE UNITED STATES BY THE †UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY†(known as DARPA). IT WAS FIRST CONNECTED IN OCTOBER,1969. THE WORLD WIDE WEB WAAS CREATED IN SWITZERLAND IN 1989 BY A BRITISH MAN NAMED TIM BERNEERS-LEE. THE ALTERNATIVE NAME â€Å"NET† CAME FROM â€Å"INTERNET† The advantages of Internet Following are the advantages provided by the Internet: ) Information The biggest benefit offered by the Internet is information. It functions as a valuable resource of information. You can find any type of information on any subject with the help of the search engines like Yahoo and Google. 2) Communication The primary goal of the Internet is communication. It has do ne extremely well in this field, however the development process is still going on to make it more dependable and quick. By sending an e-mail, we can contact a person who is physically present thousand miles away within the fraction of a second’s time. 3) Entertainment Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the Internet. 4) E-commerce E-commerce is the idea that is implemented for any form of commercial strategy or business transactions that entails transmission of data from one corner of the world to another. E-commerce has become a fantastic option through which you can shop anything. 6) Services A variety of services are offered via Internet, for example job searching, online banking, buying movie tickets, hotel reservations and consultation services etc. When you avail these services offline, they become more expensive. The disadvantages of Internet Following are the disadvantages of Internet: 1) Spamming: Spamming denotes distribution of unsolicited e-mails in large numbers. They are meaningless and they unnecessarily block the whole system. These activities are treated as illegal. 2) Theft of personal details While using the Internet, there is high probability that your personal details like name, address and credit card number may be accessed by con artists and used for fraudulent purposes. ) Pornography: Pornography is definitely harmful for your children. There are numerous pornographic sites available over the Internet and watching any of those can have very bad influence on the mental health of your children. 4) Virus threat Virus is a program that interrupts the usual operation of your personal computer system. PCs linked to the Internet have high probability of virus attacks and as a result of this your hard disk can crash, giving you a lot of trouble.