Saturday, February 15, 2020

International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

International law - Essay Example International law sets the limits on and relations between and among states. International law is not a new concept. Keep in mind that rudimentary international law was evident as far back of the fourth millennium B.C, when belligerents consented to observe truces for holidays and other similar situations. Homer\s The Iliad and Thucydides\s The Peloponnesian Wars are abounding with references to armistices, acceptance of heralds in addition to other customary standard behaviour connecting peaceful or warring parties. But is should also be remembered that such references are equally filled with instances of agreements being dishonoured. Modern international law, customary international law being part of it, gradually evolved as states gained status. Denial S Papp1 states that Hugo Grotius is usually taken note of as the father of modern international law with references to his work, On the Law of War and Peace, published in 1662. His publication paved the laying of the foundations of the rights and responsibilities that states are obligated to each other. It is on the writings of Grotius that the entire systems of treaties, tribunals as well as similar codes of international conduct take their extraction. From the readings of Grotius’s publications, at least four separate interpretations of what international law is, exist.2 These include: the naturalist school of law exemplified by Samuel Pefundorf (The Law of Nature and of Nations, 1672); the positivist school of law, led by Cornelius van Bynkershoek (Forum for Ambassadors, 1721 and On Questions of Public Law, 1737); the eclectic school of law led by Emmerich de Vattel (The Law of Nations, 1758) and finally the neorealist outlook. The more general view is that states interpret and adopt whatever view of international law that best shores up the most preferred course of action. There are various sources of international law to which states can tie

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Principles of Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example It is necessary that every employee realizes his or her contribution in the organization’s work and image. Motivation comes from within the person. Motivational factors could be implanted by the management externally; however the employee has to feel the urge himself. Hence it is a process to create the urge and define the path for him or her. Clarity of goals gives idea to the person what he is striving for. The real challenge for a manager lies in defining the path. If the goal is too difficult, it will give the air of impossibility and is discarded by the employee. On the contrary, if it is too lenient then it loses the attraction of challenge. Apart from this the manager needs to have a clear idea about the role every individual plays in the team to align his goals with those of team. A well-defined job description gives a clear idea of specific job roles, responsibilities. Group level – Leadership Leadership in an organization comes at various levels. It starts at one to one level, progresses to team level and then assumes the overall macro level of leading the organization. All the three aspects contribute to an employee’s growth in an organization. Appropriate leadership at appropriate level benefits not only the team but also the development of the organization as well. ... vides direction with the help of well-defined goals and structured path, which is further broken into objectives for departments, further down to teams and eventually to every individual playing as a team member. Hence it is also imperative that leadership at every level must identify future leaders who could take over further responsibilities of delivering the task to the organization. There should be a great stress on identifying leaders and developing them. It is the only way the human resource can be developed and made competent. Hence identifying leadership competencies is as necessary for a manager as to acquire them. Often it is also noticed that there are two leaders in the organization natural leaders and appointed leaders. Natural leaders tend to get better results. Alternatively appointed leaders could be trained to prove themselves but could be lengthy process. Organizational Level: Organizational culture and climate The culture of a group can now be defined as: A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems. (Schein 373-374) ( Organizational climate is the set of characteristics that describe an organization and that distinguishes one organization from other organizations; are relatively enduring over time and influence the behaviour of the  people in the organization  (Forehand & Gilmer, 1964). ( Although similar, elements of both the concepts have different impact on an employee. Both the definitions state the congeniality in the environment