Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Influence Of Natural Selection Has On Rabbits - 1505 Words

The Influence and Effect Natural Selection Has On Rabbits Introduction Years ago Charles Darwin created the theory of natural selection. He attempted to explain how evolution worked, and his theory is now regarded as correct. Natural selection states that animals with traits that are better suited to their environment will survive and reproduce more. This would explain how evolution works. Groups of animals with the most beneficial traits survive and are able to reproduce. While the other group has difficulty surviving and would therefore reproduce less. The variation between that type of animal would come from a random mutation which turned out to be useful. An animal may get a mutation which is either beneficial or disadvantageous to the organism (1). As time progresses there are a larger amount of animals with the beneficial trait, while there is a lot less animals with the older trait. Natural selection correlates to the phrase â€Å"survival of the fittest† meaning that animals with beneficial traits will survive, while those without will di e (2). Theoretically, this could lead to an entire change of the population; leaving only the group that can survive easily and produce more offspring. The purpose of the lab executed was to see what would happen to the traits of rabbits over generations as alleles in the new rabbits change. In the lab there were two types of rabbits--furred rabbits and naked rabbits. Having fur was the dominant trait and no fur was the recessiveShow MoreRelatedGenetic Bottlenecks The Founder Effect Introduction The concept of evolution is sometimes1500 Words   |  6 Pagesallele frequencies over time. With the population being the smallest unit which can evolve. Any measurement smaller than this is classified as a basic mutation which occurs in all individuals. 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